We conceive, design, build and install customized cleanrooms.
Paneling, flooring, air and water treatment, utilities, furnishings. From the initial consultation to the validation and final delivery of the cleanroom.
For each project, we can provide comprehensive service with global reach and local action to stay on budget, fulfill timing requirements and comply with the regulations of each country.
All our know-how at your service, to help you move forward.
- Comprehensive solutions. Modular, flexible systems with an optimum quality-price ratio and global management.
- Personalized assembly. We can take care of the installation of your project or train your staff so that they can take on these tasks themselves, under our supervision with full guarantees.
- Tracebility for easy installation. Each piece of the project comes from the factory fully referenced and with assigned location to ensure a smooth assembly, without surprises.
- Energy efficiency. We design each project while applying technical solutions that offer optimum energy efficiency in both production and energy transport.
- CleanroomEnclosurePaneling & flooring
Modular construction system to build customized cleanrooms, including walls, “walk-on” roofs, flooring, etc.
- CleanroomHVACAir treatment
Air treatment solutions suitable for the life-science, hospital, microelectronics and food industries, as well as office buildings.
- CleanroomUtilitiesCritical utilities
Energies, technical gases and other essential and critical utilities.
- CleanroomLabLaboratory solutions
Ergonomic, modular, adaptable and robust solutions for laboratories.
- TheQuickBoxReady-to-use cleanrooms
Modular ready-made cleanrooms for limited spaces.